Connecting communities: LIVE NATION
Experience Strategy | Interaction Design | Client
HOW might Live Nation reinvent its event sponsorship model to engage fans and brands beyond live events?
Live Nation is a live entertainment company that promotes, operates, and manages ticket sales for live entertainment in the United States and internationally. We worked specifically with the Media & Sponsorship division.
We proposed two different platforms with features that would enable Live Nation to give brands a more active role in fandom while also deepening a user’s relationship with music. Fanfare offers users a space for fan clubs to congregate and #Sharp offers users a smart music news curation platform.
Role & Contribution
I led the experience team through opportunity identification, concept ideation, refinement, and testing.
Ecosystem growth strategy, Concept prototypes
Design Brief
Capitalize on Live Nation’s position of strength to unlock new, unexpected growth opportunities that can be scaled to shape the next frontier of live events and music culture.
Susie Lee, Proto Innovation
Event sponsorships are inherently B2B2C opportunities, meaning:
Sponsors’ needs center the value proposition
New ideas must appeal to sponsors’ desired customers
The best concepts meet both sponsor and customer needs
Our ultimate goal was to find new ways that Live Nation can build and strengthen relationships between sponsors and their customers.
There were multiple levels of stakeholders to keep in mind: client stakeholders (17 clients ranging from Vice Presidents to Chief Operating Officer, Media & Sponsorship), brand sponsors, and the fans (end customers).
Defining the Opportunity Landscape
Cultural paradigm: We sit in an interesting time of human behavior. During the peak of Covid-19, people we inhibited from enjoying live music events the way they did prior to the pandemic. There was a shift from people brushing up shoulder to shoulder to enjoying music from the comfort of their own homes. In order to identify opportunity landscapes we conducted market analysis + sizing, customer behavioral research, and took into consideration Live Nation’s right to win.
We conducted an audit of documents from the client in order to get an understanding of the client as well as secondary research to discover trends that exist in the live entertainment space. From these, we came up with questions to ask the client as we conducted client stakeholder interviews.
Derived from the insights of our stakeholders, we identified three different potential opportunity spaces:
Creating new sponsors: Enable non-endemic brands to tap into the power of live music
Extending core sponsors: create targeted pathways for large endemic brands to increase engagement with fans between every event
Scaling smaller sponsors: Empower small, endemic brands to participate in live music without a heavy lift
In order to prioritize which area to ideate in, we conducted further secondary research as well as primary interviews from both sponsors (brands) as well as the end users (fans/ customers). I mapped a fan’s journey for becoming a fan/ the pathway to attending a live event as well as the aftermath of the event. I, then, identified potential touch points/ moments that we could ideate within.
Key takeaways
Meaningful and intimate relationship formation between stakeholders
Community connections formed around interest in person and as digital pockets online
Push for more intimate and personal concert experiences
Virtual worlds can create more diverse opportunities for connection at live events
Objects as a gateway to an experience
Empowering the fan through brand experiences
Objects are a critical component of a well-rounded/ impactful experience
Rethinking the sponsorship MEDIUM
Brands defined by the communities they support
We narrowed down to focusing in on extending core sponsors expressed in the form of focusing on fandoms and creating new sponsors expressed in the form on focusing on beyond IRL experiences. We presented both opportunities areas to our client stakeholders and received feedback.
Fandom/Evergreen Platform
+ Tapping into media budgets feels fruitful and critical to growth.
+ Clear white space and transformation opportunity for LN when it comes to connecting fans, engaging them beyond ticket sales, discovery, news and interaction, etc.
+ Opportunity to build mechanisms that nurture long-term relationships with people.
+ Critical to have a sticky platform to justify media spend from brands (who typically have a strict KPIs)
- Identity is not a net new area for Live Nation and the struggles have been around building and maintaining initiatives.
- While LN has data on 150M people, it is not enough to compete with the reach of other media platforms.
Beyond IRL
+ Potential to reach large audiences which is currently a disadvantage in live events.
+ Opportunity to control the whole fan journey beyond isolated moments
- Requires new capabilities as aggregating eyeballs and audience is not a core competency outside of our live events.
- Already filling these gaps through partnerships and social relationships even through there’s a potential for a proprietary solution.
In collaboration with our strategists, we identified ‘extending core sponsors/fandom’ as our primary area of focus.
Criteria for selecting the richest opportunity:
Leverage existing assets to provide a strategic advantage
Provide a new context of the world
Ride macro behavioral tailwinds
Evergreen platform
While enabling core sponsors to engage with fans in more innovative ways, we wanted to fuel fan identities holistically to build enduring relationships beyond isolated transactions.
Fans treat their music as a deeply personal and ever-evolving social badge and currency.
Spotify premium subscribers reached a record 182 million users in early 2022.
According to a recent OnePoll survey, which polled 1,000 self-described Spotify users, 68 percent would feel awkward if they shared their entire Spotify Wrapped story for 2021. On the other hand, less than 20 percent say they wouldn’t feel any embarrassment at all.
Maude Latour says about 100 people shared her song “Superfruit” to their stories—reaching a network of 100,000 and helping to spike her Spotify streams to 250,000. Music on Instagram is a way for fans to identify themselves and share their passion with friends.
I want more than the live event. → I crave an emotional connection to culture and community.
My identity isn't defined by one concert. → Music is an ongoing exploration
and journey of self.Music is only one part of my experience. →I want to have special experiences
without having to put in so much effort.
Live experiences have an especially deep impact on how they define themselves, something that transcends any single event.
Our brand partners actively look for ways to connect with fans beyond events, but this need remains underserved by Live Nation.
There could not be a better time for Live Nation to launch a media platform as live events thrive ‘post’ COVID that helps brands elevate fandom.
Ideating concepts
I led the experience team through the ideation phase with an internal team ideation workshop. We conducted an internal ideation session. In teams of 3, we provided stimulus in the form of the fan journey as well as the brand + fan research takeaways and participants had 15 minutes per category to think of at least 3 ideas in each. We ran the ideas through 10 individuals that fit the target audience group and did a dot-voting exercise for prioritization as well as gain feedback on the ideas. From here my team and I created 3 different concets.
Concept 1: FANFARE
The challenge we can address:
Disconnected fan communities have been letdowns for fans seeking kinship across artists and challenges brands seeking to engage beyond performances.
For fans who want to find people they vibe with, Live Nation can build a central hub for finding your music tribe.
The truth we feel:
Social networks have made it easier for people to connect, but harder to truly bond with their networks.
The behaviors we observe:
Fans are building communities around their favorite artists, but these tend to appeal mostly to diehards, while remaining disorganized and fragmented.
Final Concept prototypes